About Commute Finder NW

Commute Finder NW is a ride-matching tool Spokane Transit Authority offers to help commuters in the Greater Spokane Area find carpool, {vanpool}, and bus options that work for them! Sharing the ride to work saves you money, reduces wear and tear on your personal vehicle, and lowers your carbon footprint, but it can be hard to connect with ride sharing options that work for your commute. That's where Commute Finder NW comes in! When you sign up in Commute Finder NW, you can save your commute information so others with a similar route and schedule can get in touch with you through the website about possibly starting a carpool or {vanpool}. Concerned about privacy? Don't worry - only people who match to your commute will be able to see your information, and you can control what details are available for others to see. Feel free to enter a Park and Ride, intersection, or shopping center as your starting location if you prefer not to include a home address.
Find more information about how to:
Questions? Please contact the Spokane Transit {vanpool} team at rideshare@spokanetransit.com or (509) 326-7665.